PlantSight Enterprise Help

Mapping Class-Specific Attributes

If the Excel file contains different EC classes, then for each class-specific attribute mapping add a "mapping" array attribute entry in the class mapping.


UserLabel Class Length Current
P1.M1.T1-V109 2-way shut-off valve 5
P20.H1.T3-P001 Pump 10


  "id": 3,
  "name": "mapping 3",
  "importType": "smartExcel",
  "classKey": "Class",
  "columnHeaderIsPropertyName": true,

  "data": [
      "sourceClass": "2-way shut-off valve",
      "targetClass": "MULTI_WAY_VALVE",
      "mapping": [
          "source": "Length",
          "target": "RATED_CURRENT"
      "sourceClass": "Pump",
      "targetClass": "VERTICAL_PUMP",
      "mapping": [
          "source": "Current",

You can combine the class specific mapping with the "columnHeaderIsPropertyName" mapping and with the default property mapping. You can use them as fallback settings.

Each mapped class has its own mapping entry. The UserLabel is mapped by colum name as the "columHeaderIsPropertyName" is set. The Current and Length properties are mapped.